If you could choose to live your life from a perspective of love and abundance, would you? Would you choose compassion and leadership?
Or would you choose to live your life from a perspective of fear and scarcity? From a perspective of tyranny and cowardice?
For me, I choose to #RaiseTheBar. I choose compassion. I choose leadership. I choose abundance. I choose love.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global event unprecedented in my lifetime. And in the United States, much of the response to that event comes from fear. From scarcity. From tyranny, and cowardice.
Fear looks at the oncoming tidal wave of COVID-19 and says, “This is a huge problem, and it’s going to be terrible.” Scarcity chimes in, “And we have a limited supply of ventilators and hospital beds.” Tyranny adds, “We’ve got to get this under control.” And Cowardice interjects, “But we’ve got to show people that we care.” Together, their response is, “Flatten the curve.”
Love looks at the oncoming tidal wave of COVID-19 and says, “This is huge, and it’s going to be rough. Not what we wanted…and it’s going to be an adventure conquering this one!” Abundance chimes in, “This is the time for Ingenuity and Innovation to shine.” Compassion adds, “How can we quadruple our supply of ventilators and hospital beds overnight?” And Leadership interjects, “We send floating hospitals to America’s most crowded cities. We lance the boil that is the bureaucratic Red Tape of the FDA. We tout the ideals of American Exceptionalism in finding therapeutic remedies…even when they’re found beyond the borders of our own country.” Together their response is, “Raise the bar.”

Based on results, how are you choosing to live your life?