This post is part four in a series of five covering the Straightforward Consulting approach to strategic planning.
I’ve seen way too many strategic plans just sitting around collecting dust. And from my perspective, the reasons for that are as simple as this formula:
Good intentions + bad focus in process + lousy execution = waste of time and money
Good Intentions
The previous article detailed the underlying issues with the MBA and PMI approaches and how their good intentions just don’t work. They don’t engage the whole person, and they require a whole other language just so you can play their game.
Bad Focus in Process
Add to that a process that participants tend to see as drudgery, and you can begin to see how today’s approach sets things up for failure.
Lousy Execution
Nobody cares about something they either didn’t participate in, or that was painful to participate in. They’re not engaged. They’re not executing. Couple that with good intentions gone awry and bad focus in process and you’ve got a colossal waste of time and money.
The Straightforward Consulting approach is different. It truly is a Roadmap2Destiny. It’s built for entrepreneurial leaders, people of vision and possibility. It’s an approach that
- Builds from your deepest dreams and desires
- Helps you figure out how to get from here to there
- Gives you magnificent tools to enroll others into the journey
- Prepares you for when things go wrong – takes the emotion, frustration, etc. out of it
- Recognizes that it’s not just the destination, it’s also the journey
And here’s what it looks like.
1 – Dream
This is where we work on surfacing your dreams. Get beyond the box and dream BIG! It’s about reaching out into the realm of all possibilities, and grabbing onto those things that appeal to you. Because if it’s already deeply embedded in your organization’s DNA, everyone’s already inspired and motivated to achieve it.
2 – Desire
Not all dreams are created equally. Through this process, we figure out which ones are most important to you the organization.
3 – Decide
Here we decide where the cut line is. Because pragmatically, you’re just not going to achieve all 100 or dreams in one journey. We’ll get to those other ones…just not on this go round.
4 – Destination
Those dreams that we’ve set as our goals for this journey – that’s our destination. And in this part of the process, we put together a stunning Destination Brochure. Some of them are pages-long brochures. Some are a single picture. The key is that the brochure is the first recruiting and onboarding tool you have to share your vision, your journey with others…and to get them to join you.
If you’d like to see where Straightforward Consulting is going – our destination brochure – click here. Bear in mind that this brochure isn’t typically shared with clients like you. This is something we use to onboard partners, people that join with us, become part of the organization, and help achieve our corporate destiny.
5 – Decompress
The Roadmap2Destiny is about convergence. The convergence of multiple dreams at a point of destiny. And in order to track the progress between where we are today and our stunning destination, we get to decompress those huge leaps into some manageable chunks.
We’ll spend a good deal of time here, making sure we’ve got a good handle on all the aspects of the journey to your destiny. Eventually, those will be grouped into “work streams,” and it’s those work streams that get chunk-ified. In the example below, there are four work streams: Sales & Marketing, Support Systems, Product Development, and Strategic Partnerships. In the example, it’s the convergence of those four things that result in achieving our Destiny.
6 – Distance
This is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. Here is where we work through how we’re going to overlay business metrics onto those manageable chunks above. For example, if there’s a dream around international expansion, and it’s to have a certain number of locations open, this is where we decide how the business metric (number of locations opened) is represented on the display below. And in this instance, perhaps “each location” is represented by “100 miles travelled” along that route.
7 – Display
It’s not ready for prime-time yet, but I’m working on an interactive display for showing the convergence of multiple work streams on the point of Destiny. And it’s cool! And because the road trip analogy is used throughout the Roadmap2Destiny program, of course, it’s beautifully displayed on…a road map!
The pictures below shows four work streams, and the examples are Sales & Marketing, Support Systems, Product Development, and Strategic Partnerships. The first picture shows the routes, and the second one shows progress.

Every day, as you update your progress in the system, the map instantaneously reflects that progress…and you instantly see both where you are – across all the work streams. More importantly, with this visualization, it’s easy to get a sense of the convergence of those work streams on the point of Destiny.

8 – Detours
On every journey, something goes wrong. But that doesn’t mean it can’t still be fun.
Last December, we drove from Texas to Durango, Colorado to be with some friends for New Year’s Eve. Somewhere in New Mexico, we hit a major blizzard…and spent five hours stuck in a snow bank. However, because we had three moving boxes full of chips, pop, cookies and other goodies, and a full tank of gas, we were OK. For me, it was even kind of (gasp) FUN!
Can unexpected tragedies be fun??? You betcha. If you’re prepared.
In this part of the process, we’ll talk about all the “fun” things that can go wrong on a road trip. We’ll also talk about practical things that can be done to ensure we thrive through those situations.

And then we go to work mapping those road trip situations – and their countermeasures – to your business. When we’re complete, we’ll turn that into a handy dandy 24×7 Roadside Assistance Manual. Then, when something goes awry – and it will – just grab the manual…and have fun! Because, in the manual, you’ve already decided what to do – and how it’s going to be fun even though it’s not part of the primary plan.
9 – Drive
Time to get going! This is like your final checklist before you start. It’s focused on making sure you’ve got what you need for the journey. And, we’ll also go over how to track and record your progress along the way.
10 – Discover
Along your journey, you’re going to see amazing things, experience amazing things. Here, we’ll set you up with a practice for capturing those moments…because we’re gonna use them later. These archives of your journey form the basis of three other trigger devices – things to help keep everyone focused and on point to achieve the corporate destiny.
Bumper Sticker

Some people call this an elevator pitch – a short story you share with people to gauge their interest in what you’re doing. In the Roadmap2Destiny program, we work with you to develop that on three levels. The first level is that short story. The second is just a few sentences. And the third is the Bumper Sticker – just a few words that capture the essence of your journey…and the attention of likeminded folks who want to partner with you. Oh, and we’ll even help you get some printed and plastered on your office walls (and your bumper, too).
Road Trip Song

Every journey has a theme, and music is a medium that reaches everyone. Whether it’s a Top 40 hit, or a completely custom song, every time you hear “that song,” you’ll remember why you’re on this journey…and you’ll have an opportunity to re-energize your commitment to achieving the corporate destiny.
Postcard Travel Journal

The journey from today to your destiny takes a while. Chances are, by the time you reach the destination, you’ll have forgotten some of the earlier parts of the journey. This practice is about recording those moments…so that we remember. And in remembering, get to experience the joy of the journey. Plus, we’re going to leverage this in the next step.
11 – Dance

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve arrived at the destination! Time to CELEBRATE!
I’ll be honest. I’m not the world’s biggest fan of over-the-top parties. And at the same time, I recognize the value in celebrating achievement. Whether you decide to throw an over-the-top party, or a subdued celebration, this is an opportunity to celebrate your achievement…with everyone involved.
This isn’t just for you and the organization. This is for all those who supported you along the way, no matter how large or small. They, too, had a hand in it, and this is their opportunity to experience the results of their impact.
12 – Do It Again
And while everyone’s enjoying the euphoria of this magnificent celebration, we’re gonna give them a sneak preview of the next journey…and an opportunity to jump on board!
Do you see a difference!?!
Does this resonate with you?
Do you want tools to help onboard other people into your journey? Or would you rather be stuck with some who speaks the foreign language of PMI?
Do you want tools to help you stay on track? Or would you rather just feel beat up by some number crunchers who think Gantt charts are inspired?
Do you want to actually be engaged, make progress, achieve something, and feel good about it? Or would you rather complete your project with a “hotwash” or an “outbrief” or a “retrospective?”
The Roadmap2Destiny program is strategic planning and project management FOR REAL PEOPLE like you and me!
Do you want in?
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