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Are you willing to “go the distance?”

In my experience, when people ask about “going the distance,” they don’t actually know what “the distance” is.  My experience is that when people ask me that question, they’re after a blanket commitment from me…without any from them.  They want me to commit time and money and whatever else it takes…without any commitment on their part around how much time, money, and other resources it’s going to cost.

And quite honestly, until I know what “the distance” is, I’m not willing to make a commitment around “going.”

That’s one of the reasons that we get very specific around “distance” in the Roadmap2Destiny program.  It’s not some nebulous, hazy idea that you need to be willing to pursue at all costs.  It’s a specific, quantifiable set of targets that you will achieve…or not.

In the Roadmap2Destiny program, distance is where we start to apply business metrics and measures to your goals that lead to your destiny.  It’s where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.  Where we get real about how you and others will know you’re achieving your destiny.  Distance establishes the milestones by which we measure progress, achievement and success in the Roadmap2Destiny program.

Often times, the journey of 1,000 miles…seems impossible.  But with the idea of “distance” overlaid on the Roadmap2Destiny, it becomes a lot easier to see that impossible journey of 1,000 miles as 10 entirely possible journeys of 100 miles each.  And for me, when I begin to see things as possible, that’s when progress begins.

What are some impossible journeys that you’ve put off taking?  How can the Roadmap2Destiny’s idea of “distance” help you begin to see them as possible?

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