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In the Roadmap2Destiny program, decompress is where we begin to tangible-ize the destiny.  We look at that gorgeous destination brochure we created around your destiny…and start to figure out what it’s going to take to get there.  In short, we take all the fun, all the joy, all the adventure that’s compressed into your destiny…and begin to decompress it.

I personally find this process fascinating and rewarding.  I get to experience people and organizations clearing out the haze, the fog that has enshrouded them for so long around how to get from where they are today to where they want to be tomorrow.  Sometimes it’s a quick process…sometimes not so much.  But it always works…when you stick to it.

It’s amazing to me how much is already in us when it comes to getting from Point A to Point B.  My experience is that a lot of times, we tell ourselves that we don’t know how.  We don’t know how to increase sales 20% in the next month.  We don’t know how to double revenue in the next 6 months.  We don’t know how to release 10 pounds in the next four weeks.  And then we use the “I don’t know how” as a reason for not achieving that success.

But we do know how.  Every one of those things…someone else has already done it.  The issue isn’t a lack of “how to’s.”  For me, the issue isn’t a lack of mechanisms.  The issue is that I’m not committed to doing one of the 10,000 things I know to do in order to achieve the one result I say I want.

Realizing that I’m the one blocking my own success is a heavy burden.  And that’s where decompression helps.

Decompression is about opening up to all the possibilities available in the universe to get from Point A to Point B.  It’s about making commitments to going down a path seldom traveled. It’s about finding travelling companions to support along the way. 

And when that heavy burden is decompressed, it’s easy…and fun…to move towards destiny.

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