Circumstance…or Choice?

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When something unexpected happens, when a circumstance throws a monkey wrench into your perfect plans, what do you do? 

Are you empowered by choice…or enslaved by circumstance?

I’ve found tremendous power in realizing that I’m always at choice.  Even in the midst of circumstances.

I used to feel like circumstances thwarted my plans.  And I’ve come to realize that no matter what circumstances may appear, I’m always at choice.  I don’t “have” to respond a certain way.  When relatives call with a sad story about financial difficulties, I don’t “have” to loan them money.  When there’s a last-minute birthday party for our kids’ friend, I don’t “have” to alter my plans to accommodate them. 

I don’t “have” to do anything.  And, I may choose to. 

I may choose to loan a relative money…or not.  I may choose to alter my plans to accommodate a last-minute birthday party…or not.  In pursuing my goals, I may choose to pivot and miss my target for the week.  But not because of a circumstance…because I made a different choice.

That different is subtle…and significant.

In my experience, living life from circumstance to circumstance feels exhausting, frustrating, and even treacherous at times. But living life from the perspective of choice…it’s liberating, empowering, and inspiring.

Which perspective do you want?

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