The Amoeba Effect

In my experience, companies often start out like an amoeba. Small. Squishy. Able to flex and bend into nearly any shape needed. Over time, the company grows. Growth is a good thing. Growth is why the company was birthed. But amoebas can only grow so much. They're single-celled organisms. Have you ever seen an amoeba with the naked eye? Of course not. If an amoeba ever got big enough to see with the naked eye…it…


Why Strategic Plans Fail

I searched "why strategic plans fail," and I was inundated with millions of reasons.  There are all kinds of articles on "the top ___ reasons why strategic plans fail."  Bing says there are about 27 million such hits, and Google claims 48 million.  That's a lot of top reasons why strategic plans fail. But I think there's only one real reason they fail.  They suck.  And they're no fun.  (Well, I guess that's two reasons.)…


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