Circumstance…or Choice?

When something unexpected happens, when a circumstance throws a monkey wrench into your perfect plans, what do you do?  Are you empowered by choice…or enslaved by circumstance? I've found tremendous power in realizing that I'm always at choice.  Even in the midst of circumstances. I used to feel like circumstances thwarted my plans.  And I've come to realize that no matter what circumstances may appear, I'm always at choice.  I don't "have" to respond a…


Net Worth

Are you worth more? What are you willing to invest…in you? I recently asked a group of people what they would do with $100,000.  Forty percent said they would invest at least some of it in growing their business.  Nobody said they would invest any of in themselves, in their own personal development. The best investment you'll ever make is the one in yourself.  In your own growth and personal development.  And, frankly, the best…



Do you ever get frustrated?  Up until a few years ago, I pretty much lived in frustration.  Surrounded by frustrating people who did frustrating things…all just to frustrate me.  Or so I thought. And because I thought it, so it was. Brian Klemmer said it this way: "To think is to create."  Proverbs' take on it is, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Here's what I've come to realize. Choosing into…


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