Building the Kaleidoscope

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For the past few weeks, I’ve talked about three lenses that go into my “magic kaleidoscope.”  Today, we’ll start putting them together and building yours!

To quickly recap, the Lens of Communication & Visibility focuses on connectedness to the world around me.  The Lens of Thrust & Momentum focuses on fuels, engines and progress.  And the Lens of Vector & Direction deals with goals and headings.

For me, when those three things are in alignment with who I am and my purpose in life, things just work.  When one of those is out of alignment…that’s when things feel difficult.

So if something’s feeling difficult, here’s how I use the kaleidoscope to diagnose the situation and find a way through that traffic jam of life.


The word “diagnosis” comes from Greek.  It means “through (dia) knowing (gnosis).”  Diagnosis is a knowing that comes from having gone through the situation.  The “going through” can be either experiential or imaginative.  For example, when I’m preparing a presentation for a client, I am concerned with how the client is going to perceive that presentation.  I ask myself, “If I were the client, what would I want?  And how does what I’m fixing to do help the client get where they want to go?”

With those question, I’m dia-ing (going through) the situation imaginatively in my mind so that I will gnosis (know) what the outcome will likely be.  I am diagnosing myself, my presentation, my style, my words…everything about the situation.


Why not just wing it?

I’ll put it this way.  Is that how you’d want your physician to treat you?  Do you want your surgeon to “just wing it?”  I don’t.

My clients are worth me taking the time to ensure my actions benefit them.  When done well, what I do is as valuable as physiological surgery.  We done poorly, what I do can be just as deadly.

And the same goes for what you do, too.

Pathways into the diagnostic process

Here are some statements and ponderings I’ve heard from myself and clients.  For me, they’re indicators of a traffic jam…and an opportunity to find a way through.

  • I feel like I’m being pulled in too many different directions, all at the same time.
  • I know we’re busy, but I have no idea what we’re doing.
  • How can I deliver value?
  • Why am I so tired?  I didn’t accomplish anything today.
  • Today we cost the client $50,000.  Did we deliver $50,000 worth of value?

Any of those feel familiar?  If so, congratulations!  You’re in good company!

Over the next several weeks, we’ll be working through specific diagnostic questions and processes that use the kaleidoscope to help find a way through. 

Diagnostic questions are the glue that holds the kaleidoscope together.

Next time, we’ll start with this:

Where did that come from?

Ever feel like obstacles are jumping into your pathway intent on wreaking havoc in your perfect life?  Like, in the movie The Avengers, you’re one of the unsuspecting, innocent bystanders in New York City during the Chitahuri invasion?  Ever have a “Holy Crap!  What the ???” moment? 


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