
In the Roadmap2Destiny program, decompress is where we begin to tangible-ize the destiny.  We look at that gorgeous destination brochure we created around your destiny…and start to figure out what it's going to take to get there.  In short, we take all the fun, all the joy, all the adventure that's compressed into your destiny…and begin to decompress it. I personally find this process fascinating and rewarding.  I get to experience people and organizations clearing…



Where are you headed?  Where are you going?  What's your reason for going there? To me, these are all questions of purpose.  Of why we're here.  Of destiny. I used to think of destiny in terms of something to be achieved, to be reached.  Like a destination.  I've come to realize, though, that it's not just about the achievement.  It's about the life that's lived out along the way.  It's living out that life day-by-day…



Do you ever struggle with making a decision?  Life is full of impossible choices.  Like at Dairy Queen…plain, chocolate dipped, or dreamsicle dipped?  Of course, that's a false dichotomy.  At DQ, it doesn't have to be an either-or. In more important matters, however, decisions can be difficult.  "To decide" means "to cut off every other option."  And without a clear vision, a clear direction, decisions can become impediments to success.  But I've found a way…


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