Do the Impossible

Do you have huge dreams for next year...and no clue how to get there? Are your dreams beginning to feel more like nightmares because you're not achieving them? Can you afford being stuck in frustration another year? There's a simple, straightforward solution. And this solution is so powerful that when I shared it with my friend, Brett, just the idea itself began to transform his situation! I've put together an email course to introduce this…


Engagement & Commitment

In my experience, strategic plans fail because they do not create an environment of engagement and commitment around achieving the corporate goals. They talk about "talking about the plan" under the guise of "Strategic Communications." But they don't create the atmosphere in which success flourishes. This story illustrates some of the struggles around creating an environment of engagement and commitment.  The kids were off from school, and I was working from home. The house was...let's…

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Why Strategic Plans Fail

I searched "why strategic plans fail," and I was inundated with millions of reasons.  There are all kinds of articles on "the top ___ reasons why strategic plans fail."  Bing says there are about 27 million such hits, and Google claims 48 million.  That's a lot of top reasons why strategic plans fail. But I think there's only one real reason they fail.  They suck.  And they're no fun.  (Well, I guess that's two reasons.)…


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