Let the Dark Shine

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Do you want a different outcome?  Different from what you’re currently getting?

I’ve heard people say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing while expecting a different outcome.  So let’s try something different, shall we?

Let the dark shine.

I know we were each created with everything we need to fulfill the destiny entrusted to us.  And I also know there’s a struggle at times in “getting there.”

Why is that?  And how do we adjust that? How do we do something different…so that we get a different outcome?

For me, the thing that works is getting to the root of the problem.  Finding the core of the issue.  Discovering the nexus of the situation.

And the best way I know to do that is to let the dark shine.  To go spelunking down in my soul, or into the issues arising in an organization.  To discover hidden things that are encumbering progress.  Causing me or an organization I’m working with to go off course.  Injecting havoc into what otherwise would be a peaceful situation.

Often, those things are buried.  Deep.  In places dark with subconscious.  Places that are on autopilot.  “They way we’ve always done it,” you might say.  Places where the light of awareness hasn’t reached…yet.  I’ve found the thing that works is to bring the light of awareness into those crevices of status quo.  To recognize that those things are a part of the organization…and that’s OK.  To let those things shine – just as they are…and be OK with it…or not.

When people and organizations let the dark shine, those encumbering things are revealed.  And sometimes, that’s a magnificent experience.  And sometimes it’s painful.  Either way, the light of awareness creates an opportunity for adjustment.  And adjustment absolutely leads to a different outcome.

Let the dark shine.  It’s the only way to beat the insanity.

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