On this final day of 2019, here are the top five nuggets from 2019 that can help you make 2020 even better. Click the titles to read the full post.

#5 – Requirements are for people who don’t know what they’re doing
Tired of working with experts who continually get it wrong? And then when they do, try to tell you it’s because you weren’t expert enough in your description of what you wanted?

#4 – Parfait Analysis
How do you choose to view root cause analysis? Do you view it through the lens of the odiferous and pungent experience of “peeling back the onion?” What if root cause analysis could be…dare I say it…enjoyable? Like eating a delicious parfait?

#3 – The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Strategic Planning and Project Management (THAT ACTUALLY WORKS!)
Are you managing your next generation plans and projects like it’s the 1900’s? Frustrated by project management professionals and experts telling you that their 100-year-old best practices are the right way to visualize and manage your groundbreaking, leapfrogging, freaking awesome, next generation idea? If you’d like a different approach, read on….

#2 – The Beauty of Broken Dreams
Ever wanted something? REEEEEEEEEEEally wanted something? And when you finally got it…it all went to hell in a handbasket? What if your life could be the antidote to that feeling?

#1 – Success = f(StuffI’mNotGoodAt{Yet})
There’s a common theme I’ve experienced in people who are voraciously successful….